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Sprawdź dostępność
A Fishwatcher's Guide to The Saltwater Aquarium Fishes of the World
Overall, this book is a resource for all levels of the aquarium trade and hobby.
Collectors, livestock wholesalers and their intermediaries will benefit from knowing what is available that is suitable for use from their locale.
And they and the consumers purchasing such life will understand better what their choices are and what their chance of keeping that livestock alive is.
Most everyone is shocked to find out that few collectors are aquarists, and that a "Catch 22" exists in providing organisms that would/will be of very great interest (think of the Banggai Cardinal, Pterapogon kauderni) that dont get collected, though theyre hardy, beautiful, even easy to catch, simply because no demand exists... and no one will ever ask for because theyve never seen them!
Offered are several suggested species, indeed whole families that have gone unconsidered for aquarium use.
Overall, this book is a resource for all levels of the aquarium trade and hobby.
Collectors, livestock wholesalers and their intermediaries will benefit from knowing what is available that is suitable for use from their locale.
And they and the consumers purchasing such life will understand better what their choices are and what their chance of keeping that livestock alive is.
Most everyone is shocked to find out that few collectors are aquarists, and that a "Catch 22" exists in providing organisms that would/will be of very great interest (think of the Banggai Cardinal, Pterapogon kauderni) that dont get collected, though theyre hardy, beautiful, even easy to catch, simply because no demand exists... and no one will ever ask for because theyve never seen them!
Offered are several suggested species, indeed whole families that have gone unconsidered for aquarium use.
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